Details of the Initiative
We humans can receive proper treatment by explaining our symptoms to a doctor when we become injured or sick. By contrast, most machines and structures around us are left as they are unless someone notices that they are damaged. There are many cases where people realize that they are in a dangerous condition only after an accident occurs. Accordingly, our laboratory is developing technology to hear and learn “where there is pain and what kind of pain” in machines and structures.
We use a technology called Acoustic Emission (AE) method as a listening tool. AE is the sound that occurs when an object breaks, which serves as the voice of a patient. By using various parameters such as the frequency and waveform of AE signal, we can listen to the voice of an object to learn where and what damage has occurred. (Photo 1)
Moreover, we also develop new measurement equipment using a drone in order to inspect large structures. We are developing this technology in collaboration with Associate Professor Keisuke Kato, also in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. (Photo 2)
The development of such technology allows us to use machines and structures around us more safely and securely. We also believe that adequate estimation of the condition of machines will lead to lower costs for various energy facilities. (Photo 3)